Altha Progress: 10/21/2021

 Current progress on the environment. The composition is in place. As I work on the assets, I will tweak the environment into what feels more natural and pleasing. 

Starting off with a composition that fits the concept. I wanted to make sure shapes were reading with minimal assets.


AS the project goes on, I wanted to start focusing on hierarchy. Some key elements will focus on the city and the large arching mountains. Some of the scale elements were there but they seemed to blend into the same level field.


I made a few more large rock assets to add to the scene and sculpted out the terrain in ue4. The shapes were beginning to read but I was lacking depth. So my next goal was to focus on adding depth to my scene. 

Hierarchy pt.2
I managed to get the hierarchy I wanted. Now to get my base kit models and populate the scene. Some things will still change as the project progresses but in the meantime it is a good start.



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